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1. Club Name


The Club shall be called the Property and Construction Yacht Club Ltd.


2. Object of the Club


A Club consisting of sole traders, or employees / partners of a corporate entity who

conduct business in the Property and Construction industry with the purpose of

enabling Club Members to meet for activities associated with property

& construction business, yachting (UK & overseas), other sailing activities and

for social events in the UK and overseas.


The club will admit members who are interested in hands on sailing, 

 seek the opportunity as a passenger or as a social / business member, or any on the water activity that brings members together for the benefit of friendship and business networking


The Club will develop and maintain relationships with other clubs and offer use of reciprocating club facilities for as long as these relationships are approved by the reciprocating clubs. All member as ambassadors are responsible for for maintaining these relationships as a core value of our existence. 


3. Club Management


The authority and responsibility for the transaction of the business of the Club and its management shall be conducted by the Directors of PC Yacht Club Ltd. with the assistance of a Club Committee drawn from the Club Membership. The Committee will oversee the Club events on behalf of the Directors. The Directors and Committee who, in addition to their powers and authorities by these rules expressly conferred on them, may exercise all powers and do all acts in furtherance of the objects for which the Club is established, other than those hereby expressly directed or required to be exercised or done by the Club in Annual and/or Special General Meetings.


4. Qualification For Membership


Any person involved in the Property and Construction Industry will be eligible to join the Club subject to the recommendation of the Club Committee and subsequent approval of the Directors.


Other Persons at the discretion and recommendation of the Club Committee and subsequent approval of the Directors.


5. Honorary Members


The Club, on the recommendations of the Committee and subsequent approval of the Directors may elect Honorary Members.  Honorary Members shall not be required to pay a subscription.

6. Annual Membership


In the first year of annual Membership the subscription shall be £100.00 for the first 100 members (“The 100 Club”) who pay for their subscription within 10 working days of the date of the membership subscription invoice issued by the Club. All elected members will receive an annual membership card with a membership number allocated which will remain their number for as long as they remain a member.


For the second year of membership of the club the annual membership fee will be £150. If within their 1st year of membership, the “100 Club” Member can introduce 10 paid up members to the club their annual club subscription fee will remain at £100 for life per annum.


For members 101 onwards the first year annual Membership Subscription will be £250. Second and subsequent Club subscription fees will be subject to annual review.


The Club subscription year will commence on 1st October each year, expiring on 30th September the following year. Members elected after the 1st October of a given year, will pay full membership. 


A 6 month pro rata subscription after March 1st for the remainder of the Club subscription year is also available, to then be continued with full annual membership for subsequent.


Members who have not paid their subscriptions by the 10th working day after the issue of their membership invoice may be removed from the list of Members at the discretion of the Committee / Directors.


7. Admission of Members


Members including Honorary Members may be elected at any meeting of the Committee,

when all candidates duly proposed shall be submitted to the Committee.  The election of

such candidates shall be at the discretion of the Committee and the Directors.


8. Expulsion


Every Member on joining the Club undertakes to comply with these Rules, and any refusal

or neglect to do so, or any conduct injurious to the interests of the Club, shall render

a Member liable to expulsion by the Committee. Provided that before expulsion the

Member shall be given an opportunity to justify or explain the conduct complained of,

or to resign.


Any Member who has been expelled by the Committee may require that a Special Meeting of the Committee (Attended by the Directors) be held within two months of the expulsion, at a place and on a day to be fixed by the Committee. The expelled Member shall be entitled to be present at and address such meeting, but not to vote.  If the meeting pass a resolution cancelling the expulsion, the expelled Member shall be restored to membership as from the date of expulsion.


Club Members are reminded that our Club will utilise the facilities of 3rd Parties and the Club Members conduct at such facilities must at all times be respectful of the rules of the 3rd party. Any poor behaviour by our Members puts the Club reputation at risk. All Members will specifically be required to observe the Health and Safety advice provided particularly when we conduct sailing activities.


9. Meetings


The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held on or before the last day in September

for the purpose of the:

Presentation of the Reports of the Treasurer, Secretary and Committee, as required

Election of Officers and Committee

Any other business

Notice of the Annual General Meeting shall be communicated to the Club members

at least fourteen days before it is due to be held.

Special General Meetings may be convened by:

The Committee


A request in writing submitted by at least ten Club Members

and shall be presented to the Committee at least twenty-one days before the

projected meeting is due to take place.


Notice of the Special General Meeting shall be communicated to all Club at least fourteen days before it is due to be held.


10. AGM and Special General Meeting Attendance  


Annual General and Special Meetings shall be attended by:


The Chairman (A Director of PC Yacht Club Ltd.)

The Committee

Any other Directors

The Members of the Club


11. Voting


Shall be by majority show of hands, except when a Ballot may be required by the majority of Members present.  Only paid-up Members shall vote or attend the meeting.


12. Quorum


At an AGM or Special General Meeting shall be at least ten Members including the Committee present.



13. Club Meetings of Committee


Club Committee Meetings shall be convened monthly.  Minutes of all Committee Meetings

shall be taken by the Club Secretary and confirmed at the following meeting .


The meeting will be conducted on an agreed date / time and location and/or conducted via

a Zoom type conference facility.


The Committee shall have the right to co-opt whatever Members it may require. 


All Club Committee members shall retire from the Committee at the end of each Club year and maybe reelected



14. Election of Officers


The Officers, i.e. the Chairman (A serving Director), the Club Secretary and the Club Events Treasurer and other members of the Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting, and subject to termination of office by resignation or otherwise, shall remain in such office until their successors are appointed at the next Annual General Meeting following their appointment.   


Nominations of new candidates for election as Officers or committee members shall be received by the Committee at least 30 days before the Annual General Meeting and the Committee shall note these nominations accordingly at the preceding Committee Meeting. This 30 day deadline will not be applicable to the inaugural AGM.


15. The Committee Constitution

        The Committee shall consist of the following positions:


Chairman (A Serving Director of PC Yacht Club Ltd.)


Vice Commodore

Club Secretary

Club Membership Secretary

Club Events Treasurer

Event Team (2 or more Members)

Media Officer


As and when necessary, a Charity Sub-group will be formed.


16. Absence from Committee


Any Member of the Committee who, without notice, shall absent themselves from three consecutive Committee meetings will be understood to have resigned their position upon the Committee


Furthermore, any Member of the Committee who shall miss six Committee Meetings in any calendar year shall require the consent of the Committee in order to continue their membership of the Committee.


17. Amendment of the Club Rules


These Rules may be altered, added to, or subtracted from, at the Annual Meetings, or at a General Meeting specially convened for that purpose.

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©2023 Property Construction Yacht Club. Crafted by

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